Adapted from the cookbook – One Piece: Pirate Recipes by Sanji
Ingredients (2 servings)
- Minced Pork (500g)
- Chicken Drumstick (2)
- Seasoning (to taste)
- Shiokoji (10g)
- Panko breadcrumbs (50g)
- Milk (1tbsp)
- Egg (2)
- Cooking oil
- Tulip the chicken drumsticks and de-skin it
- Marinate the chicken drumstick in the shiokoji for a minimum of 30 minutes, or your seasoning of choice
- Boil and peel the hard boiled eggs
- Mix the minced pork, panko, and milk together
- Separate the minced mixture into 2 servings
- Place an egg with the tulip-ed chicken drumstick meat around it
- Mould the minced mixture into ball around the egg
- Pre-heat an oven to 200°C
- Drizzle some oil over the chicken drumstick
- Place the chicken drumstick into the middle rack for 20minutes
- Move the chicken drumstick to the top rack for 20minutes
Deviation from the actual recipes include:
- Seasoning the meat with shiokoji instead of just salt and pepper
- Using Pork instead of chicken
- Using twice as much meat for each drumstick to make it easier to wrap the meat around the egg
- Adding oil to the cooking process
Due to the larger size, you can’t lift the whole dish up and eat it with your hands, instead, treat it as a hamburg steak and carve it up.
Food featured in animes always look amazing
As the ‘quality cabbage‘ highlights, animators can depict food in an amazing fashion. Especially when there is no need to abide by simple things such as reality or realism.
One dish that has always caught my eye is the stereotypical cave-man style giant meat on a stick. Thankfully, the recently translated One Piece Cookbook has an recipe on how you can craft your own. Having to compromise with reality means the meat itself is similar to a hamburg steak versus an actual leg of a mythical creature.
Here is adaptation of how you can make a giant meat on the bone to try.
Preparing the chicken drumstick
The first step, and the most troublesome one is to create chicken tulips. What that entails is to strip the chicken drumstick and invert the meat inside out.
This is done by making a cut around the bottom near the base of the drumstick. After that, make vertical cuts up to the tip. You may have to cut out a portion of the bone at the tip so that the folds of chicken have more reach.
Forming the meat
Once you have prepared the hard boiled egg, nest it within the folds of the chicken and proceed to mould the minced meat- panko-milk mixture around the egg and chicken, compacting it so that it holds its shape.
The resulting outcome should appear as a giant meatball with a bone stick out out of it.
The whole dish came out rather well, although the egg was overcooked. Something I was reminded repeatedly. If you can pull off a ramen-style egg, that’ll be pretty amazing. Regardless, the surprisingly rich flavour and tender texture of the dish made me call it a success. How would you change up the recipe? Let me know below.